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【战犯罪证篇】日本战犯的侵华罪行自供(7)--鹈野晋太郎 [复制链接]

发表于 2014-7-9 12:56 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |

     Shintarō Uno

1942年5月下旬,于湖北钟祥县郭刘湾,“将该村中国人民房屋10栋(30间)放火全部予以焚毁。”又“将该村居住的中国农民1名,加以逮捕(40岁左右,男),以新四军战士的嫌疑者为借口,我命令部下分队长中田伍长,进行灌水刑讯后,我将他砍杀”   。
1945年9月10日,在吉林省四平,“日本帝国主义战败后,在苏军管理下,由四平出发向苏联去的时候”   ,“指挥用卡车装运行李中,为了反对日本帝国主义而奋起的当地中国人民所进行的正义的反抗,予以还击,我命令士兵用棍棒打死了2名中国人民”。

笔供英文内容提要(Abstract of the Written Confessions in English)
Shintarō Uno(鹈野晋太郎)

According to the written confession of Shintarō Uno in August 1954, he was born   in Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan in 1920. From April to September 1941, he was in   Hankou, Hubei as a soldier of the 232nd Regiment of the 39th Division of Japan,   and later he returned to Japan. From April 1942 to May 1945, he served in the   232nd Regiment in Hubei. He became encampment officer of the 232nd Regiment in   May 1945 and was captured by the Soviet Army in August 1945.
Major offences:
10 May 1941: in a place about 30 kilometers northwest to Nanqiaopu, Jingmen   County, Hubei Province, “broke into a civilian house, and when I was demanding a   cooking pot from a Chinese people, Lieutenant Tanaka, Commander of the 2nd   Platoon, came over and asked, ‘What are you doing?’ I told him, ‘This Chinese   said the cooking pot had already been robbed by the Japanese army.’ Tanaka said,   ‘He is not obedient. Kill him’”, “so the Chinese was killed by Tanaka”;
Late May 1942: in Guoliuwan, Zhongxiang County, Hubei, “burnt down all the   houses of 10 households (30 rooms) of the Chinese people”, and “arrested one   Chinese peasant living in the village (aged around 40, male) under the excuse   that he was a New Fourth Army soldier suspect. I ordered my subordinate Unit   Commander Nakada to extort a confession by bloating his belly with water, and   then I killed him with a sword”;
From February to March 1943: on the west side of Yinjia, Xianrenzhai,   Dangyang County, Hubei Province, “launched small and medium-sized red-colored   canisters (both sneezing gas, of unclear amount) to cause chaos in the   Anti-Japanese Army, then used rifles and cannons to beat the righteous   resistance and slaughtered 200 soldiers in the whole process”;
Early April 1943: in Tianbaoshan, Yichang County, Hubei Province, “the 8th   Company occupied a place and arrested 3 Chinese peasants living there (all   around 25 years old). I shot dead 2 of them with a handgun, and ordered Iwasa, a   trainee officer of the 7th Company who had also retreated from the frontline, to   shoot dead the last peasant with a handgun.” “Later, the 7th Company arrested 2   anti-Japanese soldiers and 8 Chinese peasants living there. I told the four   soldiers of the 7th Company who came with me that ‘they are such a burden. Kill   them.’ Then, the 10 Chinese were handed over to the Sapper Company under the 2nd   Battalion, whose soldiers tied up their hands and feet and threw them into a   trench. They were then killed with an explosion”;
Late April 1943: in Yaolingbao, Dangyang County, Hubei Province, “after   torturing a Chinese soldier (around 25 years old) who lay on the ground   suffering a serious wound on his thigh, I ordered my subordinate Umesaki Kojiro,   a first class private, to kill him by shooting his head with a rifle”;
Late October 1943: in Dangyang County, Hubei Province, “I launched 50   medium-sized red-colored canisters (sneezing gas), aiming at Xiongjiapo Village   and the hill on the east side of it”, “causing death to more than 100 Chinese   residents in about 20 households in the village”;
Mid-November 1943: in Zhijiang County, Hubei Province, “arrested one   soldier (around 25 years old, belong to the 13th and 18th divisions) of the   Supplies Company of the anti-Japanese forces, tied up his hands and feet, kicked   him into the river and drowned him as he still carried a box of mortar shells on   his back”;
Mid-November 1943: “in a village about 5 kilometers to the south of   Mijitai, Songzi County, Hubei Province”, “interrogated with torture one local   Chinese peasant (40 years old) and killed him by bloating his belly with   water;
Mid-December 1943: in Renheping, Zhijiang County, Hubei Province, “arrested   a local Chinese peasant (around 40 years old), I first thrust a square timber 10   cm thick between his legs and feet and forced him to kneel down while he was   being tortured. Later I beat him over his legs and feet with a carrying pole.   Finally he died of knee-joint dislocation and broken thigh-bones”;
Evening of 23 December 1943: in Songzi County, Hubei Province, “burnt down   a total of 60 rooms of 20 households of the Chinese people”;
March 1944: in Dangyang County, Hubei Province, for “one anti-Japanese   intelligence agent suspect (around 40 years old) who was captured and sent   there”, “ordered my subordinate Yasuo Hamada to interrogate him while hanging   him up by the arms, resulting in broken and prolapsed skins around the first   joint of both arms”; “After pulling him out of the guardhouse, the army surgeon   Senior Captain Kondo examined him and said, ‘It is too late to cure’. I said,   ‘It is too much trouble. You can kill him.” And I left the captive to Kondo, who   then used an injector (with a capacity of 100cc) to inject air twice into the   vein on the inside of his elbow and killed him”;
April 1944: in Xiongjiapo, Dangyang County, Hubei Province, “under the   command of the regiment commander, 5 soldiers (aged 20 to 25, belonging to the   37th Division and the 132nd Division) and 2 intelligence agents for the   Anti-Japanese Army (aged around 30), who had been arrested by the battalions in   the frontline and imprisoned, were used as live targets in bayonet training for   new recruits of the 4th Company and stabbed to death. In this slaughter, I   personally killed an intelligence agent”;
September 1944: in the northeast corner of Dangyang Airport of Hubei   Province, slashed to death a captive who was an intelligence agent of the   Anti-Japanese Army, “I slashed to death an intelligence agent (aged around 25)   with a saber”;
  10 September 1945: in Siping, Jilin Province, “after the surrender of   Japanese imperialists, when we were moving from Siping to the Soviet Union under   the supervision of the Soviet Army”, “when ordering the loading of luggage to   trucks, to fight back the local Chinese people in their righteous rebellion   against the Japanese imperialists, I ordered the soldiers to kill two Chinese   people with clubs”.

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