面对骤雨般密集的 炮弹,面对几乎被夷为平地的科隆 昂首的大教堂哦,难道真是 上帝之手 仿佛一只只螳臂 流浪汉的手,无法扭转二战的棋局 但是,我们可以 拆下教堂里的玻璃,拆下历史 酿成的财富 高耸的塔尖,巍然吊着 乌云密布的苍穹 一个个流浪汉,蜘蛛般悬在绳索上 即使粉身碎骨,也恍若钢铁 绝不皱一下眉头 万能的上帝没有感动 轰炸机上的军人,却将一发发炮弹 打出了奇迹,打出了奇迹般 永恒的诗句 Verses of Eternity Written by Shuzhandebolang; Translated by Yin Xiaoyuan Braving hails of shells And facing Cologne almost leveled to the ground You towering cathedral, are you really a hand of The Lord Feeble and fragile were the arms Of the vagrants, not powerful enough to turn the table in World War II But somehow, we had managed to remove The windowpanes -the precious treasures Of history Over your dominant spires, there hangs An overcast sky Your vagrants suspended from ropes, just like spiders did Even if the bodies were smashed to pieces, the souls would remain as hard as iron Without even a frown Almighty God didn’t affect The stern soldiers in the bombers, but He has created a miracle With those shells, and verses as splendid As miracles. (译者注:关于流浪汉拯救科隆大教堂壁画的历史见:
文/易春旺 琴弦,是五根还是七根,众生可以自己选择, 还可以倾听弦音跌宏起伏,还可以 沉浸于过往的悲欢离合,只是你无法选择 弦音的延展,命运在几根弦上放逐。 很多时候琴弦缠绕纠结,无法理清,很多时候 你想解开死结,跨上一匹脱缰的野马, 却总是在最美好的梦境当中,弦音无端就断了, 琴弦,一根接一根往下坠。 你是那只鸟,想借一蹬腿的力量, 拔转那根弦的方向, 只是你瘦弱的身躯,再怎么努力 也不会让琴弦有一丝的颤动。
Moving Average Written by Yi Chunwang; Translated by Yin Xiaoyuan The question about the fiddle strings, to be either five or seven, is left open to people
You can choose to listen to the turns and twists, and to immerse yourself In bittersweet memories, but you are never strong enough to defy The extension of notes, or to control the journey of fate, among those strings. Sometimes they twine together, so interwoven, that when you Want to untie them, and mount the bolting wild horse, The strings would snap without a sigh, right in the highlights of a dream, And then fall to the ground, piece by piece. You are a bird, trying hard to adjust that string By the explosive strength in your legs Lo! So vulnerable are you, however you try The strings just won’t tremble, for the slightest bit
轮渡起锚,江河 就闹了一些 鸟儿鸣唱,林子 就高了一些 集市开张,日子 就近了一些 连尘埃也浮了上来,在空中舞蹈 这尘世上 我们并不孤单 看——天空好似空腹君主 也俯下身子 兑阅所有纷繁而卑微的,贡品
A Lament Written by Liu Buzhu; Translated by Yin Xiaoyuan
Anchors aweigh, and the river becomes busier Birds on high, the woods becomes grander Market opened, the breath of life becomes closer Even the dusts ran afloat, dancing in the air We are not alone Upon the earth Look- The sky is a monarch with an empty stomach It bents over to look at The luxurious but obscure tributes
文/李继宗 你们好记性,说往事 那伤痕就一点一点泼到月光地里 月光下明晃晃的东西不多 除却这些花 这些升起来,又散开在夜色里的香气 你们说时光:这些年太快 这些年说掉就掉了 你们围绕它,拆卸它 把某些美而坚韧的时刻,弄出了流水的声响 没有祈愿和祝福的时辰 你们从月牙湖边的石凳,来到牡丹园门口 这里有黑暗中被人遗忘的花朵 过去你们会争论是不是夜间开放 现在,夜深了 你们各自的手机铃声响起来
You Could Never Bloom Like Flowers Here Written by Li Jizong; Translated by Yin Xiaoyuan You all have strong memories, to retell the past And those wounds all cut deep into fields of moonlight Rare are things glittering beneath the moon Almost nothing is there but those flowers And their fragrance, rising and spreading in the night air
You talk about the sandglass of time: Those years have fleeted Right through it You have surrounded and detached them And at certain splendid and firm moments, you made sounds of running water This is a time without prayers or blessings You rise from stone stools by Crescent Lake, and move towards the entrance of Peony Garden There are flowers forgotten in the dark You used to dispute on whether they bloom in the night And now, in the dead of night You are busy with your ringing mobile-phones
文/何燕子 有风起来,袅袅湘夫人 在那头,日已远 没有美酒,泪眼昏花 暗下去又亮起来 菖蒲、陈艾……是不是 你的香草,洗净了 人间烟火,漫过温热的心脏 效彭咸,背负大江 你灵魂迈步,很远 几千年,长太息 交出去低处的灵魂 我把岸柳想成你的发须 蕙兰水边,抚平汨罗江域 用粽子的手拉你 用龙舟的嘴喊你 我披挂着江离与芷草 额上一点雄黄 太阳东升,灿烂辉煌
Time: Dragon Festival; Place: by the River Written by He Yanzi; Translated by Yin Xiaoyuan In the rustling wind, the enchanting goddess of River Xiang Lingers around the farther end. During the dull days since, Without fragrance of nectar, tears have made my eyes dim Dim, and yet bright once again There are sweetflags and wormwood now……Could it be your vanillas That have cleansed the dusty, Vain world? You carry the river on your shoulders
And walked through the warmth of the heart, like Ancestor Peng did The strides of your soul, were long and firm For thousands of years, people have been sighing And giving out their humble souls And I used to compare the willows to wisps of your hair and beard The aroma of orchids and irises has smoothed out the River of Miluo, And tried to pull you out, with hands of rice dumpling leaves They called out your name from the mouth of a dragon boat While Iwrapped myself in Xiongqiong and parsley leaves And wore a drop of realgar wine on my forehead The sun will still rise, with its splendor
文/殷晓媛 她想住在海螺里,把外壳伪装成 长苔藓的石头城堡。然后好把扇形的山 收起来,抱在怀里,低头等待涡状的云 和羊群般的风,从天顶上走过。她没有 玫瑰和满天星可以掠夺。她坐在 风雨欲来的礁石上,凌乱飘舞的长发后 鸥鸟挣扎和凄鸣。她用双手 淘着沙金,灌溉那座山。可她的山 无论播种什么,终年 只长紫杉。雨中,一个人走过来说 让我替你砍掉那些该死的树。她说:谢谢, 除非你能先砍掉——长在树枝上的 雷电。
Echoing Clangs of the Axe Written and translated by Yin Xiaoyuan She longed to live in a conch shell, and to camouflage it So it would look like a moss-covered castle. She folded the fan-shaped mountains And holded them between her arms. She waited when the whirlpool clouds and sheep-white wind Walked across the arch of the sky. She had no roses or Baby’s breath To be robbed of. She sat there alone, on the rock where the storms Fermented, and beyond her dancing hair There were seagulls struggled and shrilled. With alluvial gold in her hands She irrigated the mountain she was carrying, but her mountain Yielded nothing but yews, all the time, whatever She sowed. Through the rain there approached a man, And he said: Let me fell those dammed trees for you. She said: Thanks, But you won’t succeed, until you fell the thunderbolts on the branches First.
文/海之烟 有一种特殊的事物靠近我们。 小满的月亮就在天空之上 缀满了我们从未见过的星辰, 抒情的鸟儿在树林里,煽动着蔼蔼夜色。 夜晚来临,你的影子在哪里 爱就在哪里, 你的爱在哪里沉沦就在哪里, 它们已穿过大漠戈壁而来, 已穿过大雾的薄纱而来, 无声息地走动于我们之间。 我们有着为爱而诞生的汹涌, 在无数个绝望的日子 那夜晚的静水终会上涨, 像一些不可阻挡的飞翔的浪潮。
The Still Water Will Rise in the Night Written by Haizhiyan; translated by Yin Xiaoyuan Something of special texture is approaching us And the waxing moon has risen into a sky That is stew with stars I’ve never seen The lyrical birds in the woods, are stirring the darkness While shadows of the night draw on, love always resides Where you are, and there is indulgence wherever your love is
It has trekked cross the bleak deserts Through the veils of the fog And is haunting us now The tides are surging up inside us, in love’s name In those long days of desperation Still water will finally rise in the night Like unstoppable billows, eager to fly away
文/飘然一羽 那么多的风景我看不透 这深宅大院,藏风藏水,藏着一些 不能卜算的吉凶,还有门上的红灯笼 批量生产的笑容,越照耀 我心越冷 这浮世,这风,这虚掩的心之门 和门后的事物,横看成岭,侧看成峰 没有人提到锁。而我的脚步 象一把锈蚀的钥匙,始终打不开 一些温暖的地带
The Mortal World and the Wind Written by Piaoranyiyu; Translated by Yin Xiaoyuan I failed to see through those images The secluded mansion was full of mysteries of geomancy, and uninterpretable
Propitious and ominous presages Smiling faces that have been mass-produced, shone upon my heart And made it colder The mortal world, the wind, the unlatched door of the heart And shadows of things behind it, changing from ranges to peaks as you look at them Have nothing to do with a latch. My footsteps Is like a rusty key, unable to open doors To warmer regions
月光里的迁徙 文/郭建江洺萁
冬天的月光丢在树缝里, 吱吱呀呀的月光,加深了夜的黑, 月色像一块裹尸布,覆盖茫茫村庄。 悬而不落的月辉, 沾满我孑孓的脚跟,一个人 在世俗的加工厂沦落成一台机器, 别管我是谁的,匆匆往来, 镶刻出偶尔的余阳。 屋檐之上,被时间粉碎的月光啊, 笼着两只相约的小鸟。我抱抱女儿, 再抱抱你,走进心弦拨不动的初衷。 月光,裸奔在大街小巷,它是那么轻, 又是那么野,无孔不入,无人不见, 我们互不言语,把持住旋律的低音: 干净或谎言。在今夜,我们泪别。 Migration in the Moonlight Written by Guojianjiangmingqi; Translated by Yin Xiaoyuan The winter moonlight was deserted among the woods It squeaked, and spilled more ink on the darkness It was like a shroud, covering up the villages The never-setting moon Smeared its shines on my lonesome heels.
A figure of flesh and blood Was reduced to a machine, in the factory of secular life Don’t bother about where I belong. I came and went all in a hurry And I carved out a sunset sometimes On the eaves, the moonlight shattered by time Shone upon a couple of dating birds. I embraced my daughter And then embraced you too, to track down to the origin of my mind The moonlight, streaking through streets and lanes, was so light And yet so wild, overwhelmingly pervasive and omnipresent We remained speechless, keeping the rhythm in a low tone
: Lies or pure silence. Tonight, we bid each other farewell