本帖最后由 素颜的荷 于 2011-10-25 17:51 编辑
I was painfully shy as a child. In high school I would avoid participating in class discussions. I was too afraid to talk to anyone but my closest friends. I would think about being less shy, wanting the courage not only to make more friends, but to speak up in class and say what I was thinking. Yet, it never happened. Questions like “What will other people think?” “What if she says no?” would jump in my head when I was gathering my courage. I felt something in my mind holding me back. This shyness continued into college. One day, the question occurred to me: Is life shy? The thought startled me! Think of the leaves bursting out in the spring time, and the birds singing at dawn. They all express their love for life. There’s nothing shy about it. This life is everywhere. If they are not shy about their life that needs expressing, I don’t need to be either. I realized that if I want to overcome fear and shyness, I would have to put this law of life into practice. Shyness, fear, and loneliness were preventing me from living my life as it is. I had to refuse to let fear and shyness control me. Instead, I decided to live my life as it is. Bit by bit, I was proving that fear and shyness no longer controlled me. After college, I worked as a newspaper reporter, earned an advanced degree in theater, became a published writer, met a special woman whom I married, and even got a job teaching at a major university.
逐渐地,一步一步地,我开始证明恐惧和害羞不再左右我了。大学毕业后,我成为一名新闻播报员,且在影视方面获得一项高等学位。我还成为一名出版作家。我还娶了一位世上难得一寻的妙龄女子。后来,我甚至找到一份在名牌大学就职的高薪工作。 |