春节 the Spring Festival 元宵节 the Lantern Festival 清明节 Tomb Sweeping Day or the Clear Bright Festival 端午节 the Dragon Boat Festival 中秋节 the Mid-Autumn Festival 重阳节 the Double Ninth Festival 泼水节 Water Sprinkling Festival 那达慕 the Nadam Fair 火把节 the Torch Festival 阴历 the lunar calendar 公历 Gregorian calendar 年糕 sticky cakes 红包 lucky money in little red envelopes 春联 spring couplets 年画 New Year pictures 舞狮 Lion Dances 闰月 an intercalary month 年饭 the New Year feast 元宵 glutinous rice dumplings stuffed with various sweet fillings 赛龙舟 dragon boat races 粽子 pyramid-shaped dumplings with glutinous rice 吉祥话 auspicious messages 秋分 the autumn equinox 月饼 moon cake 《易经》 I-Ching (the Book of Changes) 登高节 Height Ascending Festival 赏菊 enjoying the flourishing chrysanthemum 中国生肖 the Chinese zodiac 五行 the Five Elements 算命 fortune telling 护身符 talismans 相手术 palmistry 相面 face reading 皇道吉日之类的 almanacs 红色等同于财富 Red is synonymous with wealth. 火化 cremation 避邪 to avoid epidemies 七夕节 the Double Seventh Festival 礼轻情意重 A gift may be insignificant, but it carries tremendous friendship