4. 苏有朋:我是个职业的选手
我是个职业的选手,参加过‘超男’ ‘好男’‘真男’‘梦男’ ‘舞男’‘型男’‘星光大道’‘舞动奇迹’‘舞林大会’‘民声大震’‘舞动新主播’‘闪亮第一次心动’,只要是秀场我都上。你别看我年轻,我可是上过三十几部戏了。三国里,我一人就演了三个角色,…先跟着刘备打曹操,后来又跟着曹操打东吴,再后来,跟谁打谁我都记不清楚了。只要是副导演一声开机,朝着镜头狂奔就行。
I'm a professional talent show contestant. I've been on "Super Boy", "Good Boy", "Real Boy", "Dream Boy", "Dance Boy", "Super Star", "Stars in their Eyes", "The X Factor", "Dancing with Stars", "Soul Train", "Pop Idol", "Nouvelle Star". If it's a talent show, I go! I may look a little wet behind the ears, but i've acted in over 30 TV series. In "Three Kindoms" I acted three parts all by myself. First Liu Bei and I went to war with Cao Cao. Then Cao Cao and I went to war with Dong Wu. And after that... As soon as the assistant director shouted "action", we'd all sprint towards the camera.